Sunday School
At Mt. Sinai you will find a Sunday School class for all ages! Please see the list below to find a class that fits you and then come plug into our community as we strive to be more like Christ!
Tom Jolly Class
Taught by Harold Bridges, the Tom Jolly Class meets in Room 208 in the Education Building. This class consists of Senior Adult Men. Lessons are taught each week from the "Explore the Bible" Sunday School material from Lifeway Adult Studies. The class meets every Sunday morning from 9:45-10:30.
El Clary Class
Taught by Barry Ledbetter, the El Clary class meets in the Choir Room every Sunday at 9:30. Lessons are taught in a lecture format with encouraged discussion. This class is available for anyone that would like encouragement in their walk with Christ!
Gateway Class
Taught by Gene Lancaster, the Gateway Class is for anyone age 18-100 and above! Lifeway's Adult Bible Studies for Life is the curriculum used in the Gateway Class. This class meets in Room 206 in the Education Building. It is a family oriented, open discussion class whose goal is to be more like Christ.
Open Door Class
Taught by Jerry McCraw, the Open Door Class meets in Room 201 in the Education Building. This class is for all ages, both married and singles, that have a desire to learn more about scripture and discuss it on a weekly basis.
Margie's Bible Class
Margie's Class is taught by Barbara Bridges. This class is a "young at heart" class for Senior Ladies that is full of love, class participation, and care for others. The class meets in Room 204 in the Education Building.
Couples Class
This class is designed for couples and is taught by Reid and Deborah Jolly. As literature, they will go through a study book and at this time they are studying a book by Tony Evans. Their classroom is upstairs behind the sanctuary (the old choir room).
Journey Class
The Journey Class is taught by Zina Rollins and meets in Room 203 of the Education Building. The class consists of college age young adults and is currently studying the Lifeway Young Adults Bible Studies for Life. All young adults that are no longer in high school are welcome to join!
Our students are taught each week by Jason Ledbetter and Kiley Stubblefield. They use the Students Bible Studies for Life and meet in the youth room. These classes are available to all students grades 6-12.
First through Fifth Graders
Our third through fifth graders are taught by Myrna Hamrick and Holly Bowman. They meet in Room 106 in the Education Building.
4 & 5 Year Olds & Kindergarten
Our 4 and 5 year old's are taught by Tony and Sonya Nalley and meet in Room 106 in the Education Building.