Men's Ministry: Baptist Men
Our Mission: The Men's Mission Organization of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, known as Mt. Sinai Baptist Men or MSBM, desires to use the unique talents that God has given men to help those in need around us.
We meet each Wednesday night at 6:30 PM and are currently viewing a video series for spiritual growth. We also plan special events throughout the year catering to men's needs. We need you in our group, and you need to be here, because "iron sharpens iron." Come and join us. The rewards are great!
Barry Coker
Baptist Men's Director
Women's Ministry: WMU
Our Mission: There are various ministry opportunities for women of all ages at Mt. Sinai. Sunday school classes are available for singles, married couples, senior saints with different choices provided to help with your Christian maturity.
WMU Director: Gaye Tolbert
Secretary/Treasurer: Melissa Huffstetler
Mission Study: Janice Morehead/Hazel Thrift-Morrow
Church Wide Mission Coordinator: Libby Glenn & Brittany Nalley
WMU Outreach: Peggy Priebe & Gaye Tolbert
GA Director: Danielle King
Mission Friends Director: Zina Rollins
RA Director: Kevin Hamrick